【On Site】教育訓練管理師 L&D Specialist

Nantou City
Work Type: Full Time
【Job Description】
1. Assess Training needs and develop training programs
Identify training needs to meet the business needs and employee development goals.
2. Newcomer Orientation
Presents various forms of onboarding, orientation, and skills training for newcomers.
3. Talent development initiative
Play a key planning and implementation role in talent development initiatives.
4. Build up engineer certification training system
5. Evaluate training program effectiveness through assessments, surveys, and feedback
6. Create more e-learning courses to optimize training results
7. Prepare and implement training budget and maintain records and reports of expenses
8. Create and acquire training procedure manuals, guides, and course materials
9. Maintain records of training and development activities, attendance, results of tests and assessments, and retraining requirements
10. Other tasks assigned by supervisors

1. Solid experience and knowledge in training design & delivery. 
2. Experience in setting up & organizing Leadership/Management Development programs and e-learning. 
3. Bachelor or master's degree 
4. Over 3 years experience in the Learning and Development/Training function in sizeable companies 
5. Strong interpersonal and communication skills 
6. Organized and detail-oriented 
7. Fluent in written and spoken English (TOEIC>730)

1. 評估訓練需求並發展訓練計畫
2. 執行新進人員教育訓練
3. 擬定人才發展計畫
4. 建立工程師認證及相關培訓
5. 透過多元方式評估訓練成效
6. 拓展多方面的線上學習課程
7. 管控訓練預算
8. 維護課程教材、訓練相關守則及指引
9. 記錄各項訓練發展活動,包含出席、成果測試與評量、再訓練需求評估等
10. 其他主管交辦事項
1. 國內外學士或碩士以上學歷
2. 良好的人際溝通技巧
3. 做事有條理且重視細節
4. 英文說寫流利 (TOEIC>730)

  • #LI-TONY

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